I was going to just waft through of the hours of the day, with deadlines not imminent and creativity being of the selective sort. So I figured, I’d share some of the things that have piqued my interest for the past few weeks now. 

It all kicked off with a buddy’s mention of the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens.” If you’ve never heard of it, find time to check out the video below. 
Whether you’re a skeptic or a willing believer, you have to admit that the production crew manages to make the show compelling, amidst the seemingly absurd claims. One thing that would quickly strike the mind, though, is that often it appears that for lack of better available information, hard evidence or just another concrete explanation, they seem all too happy to blame everything on extraterrestrials. A bunch of episodes into the show, I even found all the wide eyed, excitable characters who sear by these ancient aliens laughable. Not because I don’t think their claims to be possible, but because I felt like they were trying to shortcut the facts. Perhaps not them directly (I’m sure sitting down with a few of these people would allow them a full explanation as to why they find it so convenient to look to the stars), but the presentation of facts, make it appear so.

Anyway, as I skimmed through the episodes and reached Season Three, it seemed all to commercial by then. I needed something more academic. And who better to turn to for advice than Joe “Muthafuckin” Rogan.
Well, that’s just the outermost tip of the breadth of subjects this guy constantly touches upon. And as I used company time to “enlighten” myself through his YouTube channel, I became aware that the voice you hear when you watch the UFC (who you compliment for his vast understanding of the sport) is a highly self-educated and enlightened being beyond the triviality of mixed martial arts. 
Back to the subject, it was through one of his many video and audio recordings that I came across the name Graham Hancock. Apparently, the dude has spent 50 some years of his life to try and uncover the mysteries behind these megalithic structures that have people outside mainstream archeology baffled. From the question of how the fuck could they have built those? To, whatever the hell are those for? He has devoted his life to try and unearth the truth behind such things. Catch a glimpse...
It may not possess the flashy machinations of “Ancient Aliens,” but if you really want to delve into these things without reading countless books, Hancock has a collection of videos that has you covered. He even has interviews where he weighs in on the war against drugs and his choice for altering his state of consciousness.
Truly interesting shit. You need not be high to be compelled. Once you’ve found time to check out the videos above and even the other videos available to you online, do chime in your thoughts on the subject.

I’m leaning more into the possibility of a lost civilization being responsible for the astronomically precise and physically imposing structures that have been here for thousands and thousands of years. I’m not discounting extraterrestrial hands as well, but my instincts want to uncover the intricacies of these lost civilizations, the cataclysmic events that buried the truths about them and how, as great as the technologies we seem to currently possess, our civilization has been akin to a computer being reformatted.

But if you’d much rather explore your own mind and are wondering when the hell you can get your hands on some grade A mushrooms or whatever it is you’ve used in the past to expand your consciousness, know that there is a natural, albeit technically challenging way to get it done. Again, courtesy of that mofo, Joe Rogan...
And if you want to try and have one for free, here’s how...
1/25/2012 02:09:55 pm

Great info, thx

1/27/2012 01:48:21 am

Nice article bro

3/25/2012 06:56:33 am

Good post bro

3/31/2012 04:58:19 am

Appreciate your details

9/24/2012 05:37:40 pm

Thanks for info


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